NEDGIA has received the Cross of the Order of Merit from the Guardia Civil for improving energy efficiency in its installations

NEDGIA recibe a Cruz da Orde do Mérito da Garda Civil por mellorar a eficiencia enerxética nas súas instalacións

Thanks to improvements in around 180 barracks, the Guardia Civil has been able to save 1.3 million euros per year on fuel and has reduced its CO2 emissions by almost 2,500 tonnes.

The executive director of NEDGIA, Núria Rodríguez, and National Account Manager of the company, Enrique García, received the Cross of the Order of Merit with White Distinction from the Guardia Civil in a ceremony held by the Director of the Guardia Civil, Félix Azón. The ceremony was also attended by the President of the Community of Madrid, Ángel Garrido, and the Government Delegate in Madrid, José Manuel Rodríguez, among other civil and military leaders.

The gas distribution company of the Naturgy group received this honour for improving the energy efficiency of the buildings and installations of the General Management of the Guardia Civil, and for promoting the use of clean fuel, like natural gas, in its transport fleet.


Important savings

Three years ago, NEDGIA and the Guardia Civil signed a partnership agreement to look into improving the efficiency of the centres run by the Guardia Civil by converting the facilities to natural gas.

As a result of this agreement, NEDGIA has constructed over 4.5 kilometres of distribution network and has converted the installations of almost 5,000 properties in around 180 barracks of the Guardia Civil across different regions to natural gas.  The distribution company, which has assigned 9.3 million euros to the conversion, has generated more than 180 jobs directly associated to the work being carried out in the buildings of the armed institute.

Thanks to the improvements from the conversion of installations to natural gas, the Guardia Civil has managed to save over 1.3 million euros per year on fuel.


Environmental benefits

NEDGIA has also been honoured for increasing the quality of life of the civil guards and for improving the air quality. This means that by converting the installations that used more contaminating fuels to natural gas, they have reduced the CO2 emissions by almost 2,500 tonnes, the equivalent to planting 68,000 trees.

Natural gas is the most beneficial option for the environment and health. When compared with other fuels, the emissions of nitrogen oxide and sulphur are practically nil and it does not produce ash or solid particles, meaning it helps maintain urban air quality.

Natural gas is also becoming more and more renewable by injecting biomethane into the natural gas network. This biomethane comes from agri-food waste, landfill and wastewater and can be applied in the same way in our houses and buildings, industry, public and private transport, and so on.



NEDGIA, the gas distribution subsidiary of the Naturgy group, is the leader in natural gas distribution in Spain, where it operates through different companies in 11 regions. The company has over 5.4 million supply points and has more than 52,400 kilometres of network in almost 1,200 Spanish towns.

Madrid, 18 October 2018


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