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Talent management


Talent management and diversity

1. Diverse and transformative talent

  • Diverse and inclusive leadership that brings global and strategic vision.
  • Promoting young and female talent.
  • Evolution of the digital profile and new professional roles.
  • New spaces and models of collaborative, flexible and open work.

2. Flexible employee experience

  • A labour framework that is permeable to the evolution of the company.
  • Full and flexible compensation.
  • Health and safety with a comprehensive vision and commitment.
  • Work-life balance.

3. Organisational framework

  • Simpler, more flexible and less hierarchical structure.
  • Contribution-oriented professional qualification model.
  • Internalisation of valuable activities.
  • Simplification and efficiency of processes.

4. Naturgy Culture where Nedgia contributes

  • Talent management and career development oriented towards strategic priorities.
  • Recognition linked to group values and transformative behaviours.
  • Work climate and employee engagement.
  • Business purpose oriented.